Serving Mesa, AZ
Our mission statement
Provide superior product (housing)
At affordable prices (rents)
With reliable service (maintenance)
Tenant Tips. How to make your application stand out
Do your research to make sure you really want the house. We have a very limited knowledge of what
school district/ area is like. Check with the city governments for more information.
If your credit/employment is weak, get a strong co-signer (someone who owns their own home and
has good credit
Letter of explanations pertaining to credit issues may help.
Make sure you can afford the rent payment.
Qualifying Info
Prospect must make at least 3 x the rent in Net income (unless your qualify for section 8). Example if the rent is $2000.00 prospective tenants household must make $6000/month in Net (after taxes) verifiable income (including but not limited to wages, salary, spousal/child support, government assistance, etc.).
Length of employment (we like to see several years at the same job, but not always mandatory).
We cap occupants to a total of 2 people per bedroom. Example. 3 bedroom house, total allowed
occupants is a max of 6 people (federal guidelines). -
We also have other internal qualifying criteria that will be investigated. We reserve the right to
decline prospective tenant based on are internal guidelines. We observe and obey all federal, state
and local fair housing laws. -
No evictions in the last 5 years (at least)
Section 8 prospects/applicants maybe be exempt from some of these requirements-Since the government will be paying the rent.