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Profit Sharing
Our 20/30/40
Buyer/borrower can finance up to 100% of the purchase, including closing costs. When the subject property is sold, the lender receives the share below (of the profits). This is for skilled investors (investors who have done over 4-6 deals).
1-120 days, 20% of Net profits (lender receives).
120-240 days 30% of Net profits
240-360 days 40% of Net profits
Lender to net a minimum of 20% of the profits or $3000, the greater of the two.
Net profit Definition:
Gross sales price less commissions, closing and escrow fees - acquisition price - buying closing costs & holding costs (property taxes, HOA due’s, utility fees, etc.) = Net Profits
Your potential land purchase should have the following (when submitted)
Current Purchase price (we typically finance about 50%-55% of market value (you should aim to sell the property in 90 days or less). So if you get a good deal, we finance the entire purchase.
Future sales price/market value.
The transaction must go through a licensed title company and/or attorney. Must have clear title.
We will need to verify that the property has access (ingress & egress)
Doesn't need utilities unless it is a buildable lot.
Property can be anywhere in the United States but is subject to our approval of the property and our evaluation.
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